Thursday, January 20, 2011

Quote of the Day

"The distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success."

I admit it. I'd love to take credit for that, but I am merely insane, and the successful Bruce Feirstein actually said it.

But what constitutes success? Who names it? Must one appear on Page Six to qualify? Or is getting a Poodle pup to ignore the green carpet and poop on her puppy papers also success? If so, I'm a bloody genius. We only had four accidents today. Mind you, puppies have to go at least ten times a day (in two forms, don't make me spell it out). Sugar, who is also obviously a genius, managed to do it on her papers six to eight times! As you already know, dear readers, Poodles are the geniuses of the canine race. I'd really hate to experience the dim dogs.

Another confession: I often don't know whether I'm a genius or insane. It's been this way all my life. As an old Jewess, I'm increasingly hearing an inner voice that floats up to my brain during the day, and sometimes even in my dream life, and whispers: you're insane, genius. In a rather derisive tone. My books don't get published. Hey, they're not PC. (By the way, do you know who coined that term, political correctness? No, it wasn't a professor at a San Francisco university, and no, it wasn't Dennis Kucinich. It was Leon Trotsky. Think about that.)

Another thing that irks. The word insane is really un-PC too, in my opinion, because it means unclean, as in unSANitary. You can look it up if you don't believe me. I think that's shameful. We're not unclean, we're just different, and all differences should be respected -- unless you're Jared Lee Loughner or the equivalent. Then you are as disgusting as dirty puppy papers and one can only blame the Tea Party for your actions.

But enough about Jared and me. We have very little in common. Jared would probably kick a puppy. And this blog is all about puppies, their innocence, their beauty, their freshness and health. How I'd love to soak some of it up. And maybe that is why I got a French Poodle puppy. I hope Sugar's innocence is catching. That's a condition of the mind it would be so lovely to recapture. Sometimes I feel like Ecclesiastes, so very world-weary. Bombarded by the dreadful nastiness of the world piped into our homes 24/7 like a symphony by (the genius) John Cage.

To sum up: I think Bruce Feirstein is a bit too self-congratulatory. There are many geniuses out here who are not "successful." And the insane successful people are still insane. Bruce must be successful but my final confession is that I don't really know who he is. Do you? Did he write a Broadway musical about gay people? Or was that Harvey. I'll Google him (or guggle him, as my mother says) and let you know next time we meet. If I remember, if my mind holds up. If...

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