Friday, January 14, 2011

Did You Know...

Dear Reader, I have important news for you. It must be news for you because it was for me, and there's no news report I haven't slavered over for years, my son being a journalist (oh! I did do the mothering thing once, I recall hazily, and it seems to have turned out fairly well, the line hasn't died out yet). Here it is. Did you know that, according to Barron's Complete Pet Owner's Manual to Poodles, "It is possible for a Poodle to adjust to living in a doghouse in a suburban backyard, but that would be a sad fate. Poodles crave the companionship of human beings, especially their own human beings. To attempt to make a Poodle into an occasional pet is to engage in one of the cruelest forms of animal abuse. Don't buy a Poodle if you don't want it to be near you!"

Uh-oh. At first, reading those words, tears of joy slipped from my eyes onto the page. It will be love. I will love and be loved. I can do this. But what if I can't? Is there a special canine unit of the PC enforcers or the ASPCA searching for lazy aging Jewish abusers who get itchy if dogs are too near? Will I be committing a PC crime? What's the penalty? Where's purgatory in the PC bible? Maybe I'm already in it, living in a SUBURB in New Jersey.

Just doing a little reading before I rush out to the store. Sugar-Suga-Shabbes arriving in, oh, five hours.

1 comment:

  1. As I read this, I realize that you are already a Poodle Mother! Congratulations! Sugar-Suga-Shabbes is a lucky pup! - Lahni
